Monday, August 27, 2007

Entrepreneur, why not?

At the mid day the queue of the work applicant decorates the page of a building in Jakarta. A normal view have been seen in the exhibition agendas of the work vacancy that often was spread out by various organisers. The seekers of the work arrived in the hope of getting the appropriate work.
Moreover not just a little that arrived from the district/ village for this intention.

Could not be ignored, to be a worker often to the choice for the graduates of the tertiary institution in the Motherland compared with opening own business personally. The condition for the proven employment opportunities difficulty of not influencing the decision to choose the profession as the worker. The result, not many young circles that finally had entered entrepreneur, created employment opportunities personally.

Now observed came back the understanding of the entrepreneur, said "wirausaha" as correspondence English words ‘entrepreneurship’, referred in the characteristics or the characteristics that was owned by entrepreneur or the businessman. The "Entrepreneurship" came from the French language that is ‘entreprende’ that meant the wanderer, the creator and the business manager.

In determining the profession that will be followed after ending education, often someone considered the production size that will be received nearby also the other factor like the level of the career and personal development. Consideration of the profession on the basis of this production size was not independent, but was connected with the risk that was dealt with in accordance with this choice.

As we known, the entrepreneur's activity was very tight his connection with the risk of business. This risk became one of the causes of the person's reluctance to be entrepreneur. The other obstacle factor, the identical entrepreneur needed big capital, the income might not, the long working hours and not certainly, the competition was more difficult as well as big responsibility.

So, It is not surprising that the person who finally had entered chose the entrepreneur's profession was people who had knowledge was enough about the businessman as well as had the attitude was positive towards this profession. Because basically also not few profits that could be obtained from entrepreneur. Including being the opportunity express in pursuing the dream or the idea personally.

By opening own business personally, was open the opportunity to the leader nearby also the wide opportunity was unlimited. The entrepreneur's profession also could be passed through by working in a flexible manner, the freedom of responsibility, and flexibility as well as satisfaction when get the dream. Now capital of early that often was frightened to begin business, in fact was not always identical to the availability of money (fresh money), but more to how him made use of the opportunity and available time.

However, of course to achieve this matter was needed by several mental attitudes positive.
In order to succeed in achieving his dream a person entrepreneur must be independent, brave, creative and innovative, the high motivation, discipline, thought positive, and as well as had leadership (the spirit of leadership). Necessarily this profession was very appropriate was undertaken by the young people, because of having the spirit and the wanderer.

If feeling well-off why not tried? (SH)


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